Sunday, July 05, 2009

Civil Sevants and Read Tape

Late last year we began application for Power of Attorney acting on behalf of an elderly relative - who no longer had the ability to look after his own affairs.
The process involves a lot of form filling, and quite a bit of running around - as most of these 'Official' types of things do. We could have used a solicitor, but decided to do it ourselves - you do however run the risk of being charged a penalty fee, if your documentation is inaccurate or incorrectly filled out.
Anyway I downloaded the necessary forms from the official' website and began the process, I read the advice booklets and after cracking what seemed to be a jargon equivalent of the 'Omega Code' started on the form filling - eventually everything had been signed and sent off, along with the £150 fee and we waited for the next step in the procedure.
4 or so weeks later I get a response saying that I had omitted to fill out one of the required forms (form 1a)- which they enclosed in the response. I retraced my steps and could find no mention of this 'Form 1a' in the 'Omega Code' and definitely no copy of the form in the downloadable pack.
So a little peeved, but as they hadn't mentioned the penalty clause - I duly filled in 'Form 1a' and returned it to the original address.
Sure enough 3 weeks later we had notification that the wheels for the request had been set in motion and that after a period of 6 Weeks providing there where no objections from named parties we would get the official documentation.
Then a week later we had another correspondence saying that unfortunately they had lost all our original forms and did we have copies, or could we fill out the necessary again - How the fuckin' hell they'd lost them I've no idea, but I was pissed off to say the least -as did I have copies - No !!
So much more running around, and filling out of forms, and postage costs and I send them off again..... 3 weeks later we had notification that the wheels for the request had been set in motion and that after a period of 6 Weeks providing there where no objections from named parties we would get the official documentation.....
...... But hold on a minute ..., they've got my wifes Middle and Christian names mixed up !!
So more checking of documentation (I'd saved copies this time) and I see all my paperwork is correct. So I send of an email pointing out the error.... 3 weeks later we had notification that the error had been corrected and the wheels for the request had been set in motion and that after a period of 6 Weeks etc.etc. blah blah......
....... But hold on a minute ..... the donor is a Male relative, yet they have the donor down here as 'MRS' !!
So more checking of documentation (I'd STILL saved copies this time) and I see all my paperwork is correct. So I send of an email pointing out the error.... 3 weeks later etc.etc. blah blah......
Eventually after waiting a total of 6 months from downloading the original form we have notice that they've tried to deliver it to us , but as we weren't in we have to fetch it from the Main Post Office !!

I get there to collect it and its addressed to someone with a different surname !!

Just what level of intelligence is required to become a Civil Servant these days - the Government may well operate a non-discrimination employment policy for its department. But surely the lack of a brain is a disability to far, I only wish I could have reterieved my initial payment fee everytime they fucked up.

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